Saturday, October 22, 2005

Snohomish County Issues


Our current County Council proposes to “solve” our traffic problems by lowering safety and congestion standards on existing county roads to accommodate growth.

Relaxing the rules means a slower 13 mph urban crawl will become the county’s minimum acceptable standard on these roadways, and proposed developments will be able to put even more traffic on them.

Instead of IMPROVING ROADS BEFORE DEVELOPMENT, lowering road standards makes traffic get worse! Who will pay? You! You will pay by waiting in gridlock traffic while roads get more jammed! You will pay out of your pocket to have roads fixed while developers get out of paying for the impacts of growth!


Not surprisingly, developers have backed this “least cost” approach to accommodate growth by contributing over $230,000* and counting (yes, that is well over two HUNDRED thousand dollars), to my opponents campaign.
*Numbers taken from Public Disclosure Commission website (as of 10/11/05).


Residential growth brings expensive demands for public services. Adding growth on growth without providing adequate roads, schools, parks, police and EMS services to keep pace is not political leadership!

Now is the time to change our County Council! Don’t wait for roads, schools, parks and emergency services to catch up with campaign contributions. Vote Suzanne Smith! I have a track record of requiring IMPROVEMENTS BEFORE DEVELOPMENT.


The current Council has continued to waive millions of dollars in development impact fees through discounts. Snohomish County has literally lost millions and millions of construction dollars that should have gone towards building new schools and acquiring land because development has been paying only half its share toward these impacts. We simply cannot afford to continue this policy. I intend to work hard to make development pay its full share, while supporting affordable housing.


Accepted Police Standards say that for every 1,000 new people that move into an area, you will need a new police officer and expanded EMS services. I would like to see a fee assigned to new construction that would help pay for things like the new fire-trucks, ambulances, police cars, and office facilities that these new officers will need. This way more of your tax dollars will go for the funding of salaries, meth abatement and other programs, and puts more cops on the streets and more firefighters at the ready.


For the future of Farming in Snohomish County to be successful we need Farmers. If there are no Farmers there are no farms. Without active farms there is no way to revive and bring about a thriving Agriculture industry. To help create a thriving Farm and Agriculture Industry I would propose:

  • Farming Apprenticeship programs in schools

  • Inspire young future farmers

  • Farmer to Farmer mentorship programs

  • Connecting new farmers with experienced farmers

  • Utilize State Program “Farm to Cafeteria Program”

  • Supports local farmers

  • Supports good nutrition in our schools


I would like to see an Agriculture Center in the Island Crossing Area. What that could look like is a Farmers’ Market in a Pike Place Market/Tulip Fields style. Some of the things housed there could be:

  • Farmers’ Market(s)

  • Wholesale distribution center
    • Cooperative for small, medium and large farmers to sell together

    • Venue for retailers to buy local farm products i.e., restaurants, grocery stores, convenient stores etc.

  • Auction Barn
    • Livestock auction

    • Implement auction

    • Other

  • Near Rail
    • There is the potential in the future, to utilize the rail to distribute produce and other commodities as the industry grows and expands

  • Tourism
    • I believe this concept would be a great boon to tourism in the area

  • Money to create vision
    • Federal and State Agriculture monies, County and Tourism dollars

  • Farming Forums
    • Economic Farming Forums 3 to 4 times per year

    • Forums specific individual farming areas within Snohomish Co.

    • Focus on market trends and avenues for the Future of Farming


    Let’s stop wasting taxpayer dollars to convert Island Crossing farmland into a paved over car lot. Let’s use our resources to expand farming ideas not fill them in.

    I would like to see a Biogas plant (like the one in Monroe) in the Island Crossing/Silvana area. This would help area farmers with more efficient and cost-effective waste treatment. It reduces environmental concerns, prevents pollution, but also allows for sustainable energy, compost and nutrient recovery. It transforms a disposal problem into a potential profit center.


    Along with traditional housing, the addition of more types of housing development such as Intentional Communities and Urban Villages. Housing of this nature creates more livable land space, reduces the footprint of the house, puts less asphalt on the land, is more environmentally sensitive and makes housing more affordable. Build up whenever possible. Build within UGA’s.


    I will work hard to protect local jobs from being outsourced by encouraging the kind of economic development that creates livable wage jobs, and has health care and retirement benefits. I will work to build and keep jobs in Snohomish County.